Saturday 26 December 2009

Rockin' Around...

Christmas was too awesome. I might be the luckiest person alive.

We made it down to Laguna this morning to have our second Christmas, with Joel's parents, grandparents, and Kaden and Victoria. We brought Serena along with us because she and Victoria have become super tight! They even exchanged Christmas presents! So cute!

I'm so spoiled. I can't believe the effort Joel went to this Christmas. He must have spent thousands... and that's not even the craziest part!

He came in from seeing Kaden at around nine on Christmas Eve and told me he had to show me something. I had absolutely no clue what it could be. So we go into the bedroom and he sits down and pulls me into his lap. He was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and he told me to roll the sleeve up, which I thought was odd, but did regardless. And there's my name. On his wrist. In ink. L-Y-N-X.

I kinda can't believe he did that. Never in a million years would I have guessed he'd tattoo my name on him. Especially since he doesn't have any other tattoos. And he says he doesn't plan on having any more, except maybe the names of our eventual children. He's actually crazy.

He also got me the new iPhone, more clothes than I could get through in a year and some gorgeous jewelery. I really do feel like the luckiest person on the planet. It took all that I have within me not to cry like an idiot. Words probably couldn't tell you how much I love and appreciate him.

I also got some amazing things from Mom, Serena and Missa! Serena got me a friendship necklace and made both Missa and I 'sister scrapbooks', which are simply precious. Missa got me a new bike - SCORE - and Momma got me the latest Macbook!

I've been beyond blessed.

Up next; New Years with The Twins! Woohoo!

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