Monday 19 April 2010

Walking On Sunshine

Once again I have neglected my blogging duties. Sincere apologies.

We spent the weekend down in Laguna, which was super nice. We visited the chapel in which we will be married in less than a month! Insane! It was awesome to get away. It's always nice to spend time with the in-laws-to-be. And I mean that. Joel has the most awesome parents - besides my Mom, obviously.

I hung out with Cadence and Raven at Raven's studio on Thursday. I love those chicks. They really are ridiculously talented. We wrote three killer songs together. I'm super stoked on them. I think Cady is meeting with Kizzie and I for drinks tomorrow night too. Should be a good time!

Mom, Missa, Serena and I went on a day trip to Santa Monica Pier one day last week. It was truly awesome. We rode rides, swam in the ocean and ate enough to feed the entire pier. True story.

So as you can see, I've more or less been hanging out since tour ended. And I'm loving it.