On our way to New York. Joel is a loser...
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Yesterday was Liam's 23rd birthday, so we decided to crash his apartment at ten in the morning and take him to the skating rink. And then we went bowling, got dinner and hit up a bar. A good time was had by all. Success! I really wanted to celebrate the occasion because Liam has been so good to me, especially over the past year or so, and I want him to know how much I appreciate it.

Headed back to New York tomorrow, except this time I'm taking Joel, Missa, Ben, Gracie, Kizzie and Beth with me! The Twins throw the best parties and I'm sure this one will surpass all expectations.
It's our last night at home until mid-February, at the earliest. Kinda bittersweet. I'm gonna miss it... but, at the same time, I absolutely cannot wait to get settled onto the bus. Joel is somewhat worried about how we're going to manage the physical side of our relationship, since we'll be sleeping on a bus with ten other people - in bunks. I told him I'd think of something but I really haven't. I'm not one to want sex everyday but I'm quite happy with the pace of my sex life at current and would like to keep it up.
Oh well. I'm sure Roxy will have ideas. That chick could make sex happen at a funeral.

Headed back to New York tomorrow, except this time I'm taking Joel, Missa, Ben, Gracie, Kizzie and Beth with me! The Twins throw the best parties and I'm sure this one will surpass all expectations.
It's our last night at home until mid-February, at the earliest. Kinda bittersweet. I'm gonna miss it... but, at the same time, I absolutely cannot wait to get settled onto the bus. Joel is somewhat worried about how we're going to manage the physical side of our relationship, since we'll be sleeping on a bus with ten other people - in bunks. I told him I'd think of something but I really haven't. I'm not one to want sex everyday but I'm quite happy with the pace of my sex life at current and would like to keep it up.
Oh well. I'm sure Roxy will have ideas. That chick could make sex happen at a funeral.
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Sweet Escape
Spent the morning getting my ass kicked by both Serena and Victoria at Wii. And then Amanda made the most delicious lunch ever. I think I ate more than my body weight in pasta.
We have to leave in a couple hours. Sadness. We wont be back here until after tour. Still, the entire Henson clan is coming out to the LA show, so we shall see each other in about six weeks.
Gotta go home and pack! I'm beyond excited. I can't even begin to tell you how stoked I am, though I'm not sure that it's really sunk in. I'm sure it will when I see that bus!
Saturday, 26 December 2009
Rockin' Around...
Christmas was too awesome. I might be the luckiest person alive.
We made it down to Laguna this morning to have our second Christmas, with Joel's parents, grandparents, and Kaden and Victoria. We brought Serena along with us because she and Victoria have become super tight! They even exchanged Christmas presents! So cute!
I'm so spoiled. I can't believe the effort Joel went to this Christmas. He must have spent thousands... and that's not even the craziest part!
He came in from seeing Kaden at around nine on Christmas Eve and told me he had to show me something. I had absolutely no clue what it could be. So we go into the bedroom and he sits down and pulls me into his lap. He was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and he told me to roll the sleeve up, which I thought was odd, but did regardless. And there's my name. On his wrist. In ink. L-Y-N-X.
I kinda can't believe he did that. Never in a million years would I have guessed he'd tattoo my name on him. Especially since he doesn't have any other tattoos. And he says he doesn't plan on having any more, except maybe the names of our eventual children. He's actually crazy.
He also got me the new iPhone, more clothes than I could get through in a year and some gorgeous jewelery. I really do feel like the luckiest person on the planet. It took all that I have within me not to cry like an idiot. Words probably couldn't tell you how much I love and appreciate him.
I also got some amazing things from Mom, Serena and Missa! Serena got me a friendship necklace and made both Missa and I 'sister scrapbooks', which are simply precious. Missa got me a new bike - SCORE - and Momma got me the latest Macbook!
I've been beyond blessed.
Up next; New Years with The Twins! Woohoo!
Monday, 21 December 2009
Red One
I am red once more!
Oh, how I have missed the gingerness! Being blonde got boring.
We went to the Walmart this morning because Lindsay and Roxy needed hair dye... and, well, I couldn't resist. It was time, you know? I've been blonde since Halloween. I've missed the redness. I'm so stoked on being a Gingernut once more! Many thanks to Roxy for fixing me up!
I think I'll keep quiet and surprise Joel tomorrow. I've missed him. I always do. I think he's secretly missed my being red also. I mean, I don't think it matters to him all that much, but he did tell me when I first went blonde that he felt like he was having sex with someone else's woman, which amused me.
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Blue Christmas
Dad called this morning to let me know that he's sending gifts for Missa, Serena and I to the apartment.
He sounded really miserable, and it really depressed me. I didn't send him a gift this year but I did send him a card. He told me he's spending Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa... which makes me feel a little better. As hurt as I am by his actions, I wouldn't want him to spend Christmas alone. He's still my Dad and I still love him... I just don't understand why he had to do what he did.
Lindsay, Roxy and Cady quickly cheered me up, as always. I don't know what I'd do without my girls.
Saturday, 19 December 2009
27 Dresses
So the weather thing didn't work out, but we had the best time dress shopping.

It was actually colder today than it was yesterday... but no worries - I came prepared with my snuggest winter attire. We tried on, like, ten dresses. And when I say we I mean we. Well, Cady didn't want to partake in the festivities, and I absolutely do not blame her, but Roxy tried on three and Lindsay tried on almost as many as I did.
I'm thinking I want something strapless and elegant... but modest at the same time. I saw a couple I really liked today, but we're out tomorrow too, and it's not like I have to pick right now.
Stress! But an excited kinda stress all the same...
Friday, 18 December 2009
New York Minute
New York, Bitches!
I do love it out here. Even though it is minus 2 degrees outside. I'm wearing two shirts, shorts under my pants and an enormous hoodie that Roxy ever so kindly gave me. It's super weird to think that Cady doesn't feel this. I'd say that I'm jealous but her condition is extremely dangerous and can be fatal.
Dress shopping tomorrow! I'm excited. But I hope it warms up some!
Being here, around these kids, makes me the broodiest person ever, which scares me because I'm usually not... but I can't help it. Roxy and Malachi really do have the most gorgeous babies I ever did see.
Seeing Cady with Providence can be weird. It's odd to think that she gave birth to her, you know? And it's weird to see her doing the things that Roxy and Malachi would usually do, like bathe her and push her in the stroller. She's pretty good with her. For example, I came downstairs this morning to see Cadence on the couch with Vida asleep in her arms. She was stroking her face and just looking at her. I wanted to cry. Regardless of the situation, it's more than clear that Cady loves that little girl with all her heart. And I'm pretty sure Providence loves her too.
Monday, 14 December 2009
The Madness
What a chaotic/awesome/drunken weekend!
Vegas was amazing. I drank and partied way too much... and was hungover until Sunday, but it was probably worth it.
I had my belly pierced! It didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would. Having the septum pierced hurts wayyy more. I had my septum pierced around two years ago and wore it until sometime last year. I decided to take it out because it was always getting in the way. Maybe I'll put it back in at some point.
This will be our last week in rehearsals. We have until Thursday to tie up all loose ends... and then the madness begins!
Saturday, 12 December 2009
Monday, 7 December 2009
I've been in rehearsals more or less the entire week... and I'm exhausted.
But the set list is done! It took a while to work out what songs worked, what songs didn't, but I think we have it down. It's going to be a very high energy show overall, but we have an acoustic section in there too, to balance it out. It should be a good mix.
Plus, we can always make changes once we're out on the road. Nothing is set in stone.
I'm going to be spending a couple days in New York soon. I leave on the 18th and return on the 22nd. Lindsay and Roxy want to go wedding dress shopping! It might seem a little mad to start looking at dresses in December when I'm not getting married until May, but I'm going to be on tour January through mid-March, at which point there will be less than two months until the event! I want this done with as soon as possible. I don't want to be thinking about a damn dress throughout the whole tour.
Since we don't have long to do this, I've told Lindsay and Roxy that they can look at dresses and note down any they like, and then I'll take a look when I get to New York. I trust their ideas. They know what works and what don't. Cadence will be there too. And she absolutely doesn't know what works and what don't, but she sure as hell is a riot.
Mom and Missa keep laughing at me. Apparently I'm much too laid back about this wedding. I don't know. Maybe I'll start freaking out in a couple months. For now I'm just enjoying the moment.
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Hang Time
Hanging out with Liam!
We almost have the set list worked out. I need to work on my piano/guitar skills because I want to play on some songs.
I cannot wait until Vegas!
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