Friday 24 December 2010

Holidays Here

Happy Christmas (Eve)!

This is Joel and I's first Christmas as a married couple and I cannot wait. I love Christmas, always have done, but I'm even more excited this year. It's been one of the best years of my life. I feel like asking for another year like this one would be asking too much.

We'll be over at Mom's tomorrow. Missa will be there too, of course. She's not bringing her new boyfriend, although we all encouraged her to. She says it doesn't feel right since they're not that serious yet. But Alex, Mom's boyfriend, will be spending the day with us! I'm so happy for her. I really think things are gonna work out for them. I hope they do. He's an awesome guy. His kids, Ollie and Kaitlin, will be joining us in the afternoon, along with Ollie's girlfriend, Freya, as they'll be spending Christmas morning with their Mom.

Getting everyone gifts this year has been kinda difficult, especially since we don't know Ollie or Kaitlin - or even Alex - that well. We also got Freya a little something. It's just a pretty little bracelet I found in a boutique last week. It's not much but I thought we should give her something. I showed Ollie and he said it's exactly her kinda thing, so I'm hoping she'll like it. I've only met Freya once and it was very briefly, but she was really friendly and seemed super sweet. She's 24, so I'm sure we'll find plenty to talk about tomorrow.

We're going down to Laguna on Boxing Day and spending a couple days with Joel's family. I feel kinda bad about not spending Christmas Day with them but Amanda told me not to be silly and that she completely understood me wanting to be with my Mom. I suggested to Joel that we spend the morning and early afternoon at my Mom's and then make our way to Laguna for the evening but he assured me that he didn't mind going down on Boxing Day instead. I'm sure in years to come we'll merge together and all spend Christmas as one big family, but I feel like that's something you do when you have kids. Still, our families exchanged gifts and Serena and Victoria exchanged gifts, which was super nice.

After we get back from Laguna we should have a week or so to ourselves before I have to get back in the studio. As much as I love doing the family thing, I am looking forward to having some time alone with Joel. Because he really is the best husband in the world.

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