Sunday 10 April 2011

What Dreams Are Made Of

Oh, silly me. I forgot to share the joyous news.

Joel and I bought a house. A house! No, you're not seeing things. Joel and I have a house!

We're still in our apartment for the time being. We want to get it fixed up before we move in. We haven't even put this place - the apartment - on the market yet. But we're absolutely going to do it this weekend, once I'm back from New York.

A couple months back, Joel and I decided that we wanted to move somewhere a little bigger. Not a lot bigger, but big enough that we can actually have both sides of the family over at any one time. So we arranged to view a few houses in the area. The house we ended up purchasing was the second house we viewed and let me tell you, it was pretty much love at first sight. It's perfect inside and out. Not too big, not too small. It's a dream. Fortunately Joel loved it just as much as I did. We didn't even view the last two houses. We signed on the dotted line there and then!

We've started with the renovations but haven't set a moving date as of yet. All we know is that we want to be in there within the next three months.

As excited as I am about moving into our new little home, I sure am gonna miss our current little home. Our first home together. We've had some awesome times in this little apartment. Leaving is going to be sad. But hey, isn't that what life is all about? Moving onwards and upwards. And I can't wait to see what this new chapter of life has in store for us!

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