Sunday, 31 January 2010
Let's Get Crazy
Current destination: St. Charles, Missouri.
I must apologize because I haven't blogged in a little minute, and I said I would.
So, Operation Hotel Room was a raging success. We ended up getting a room that night and we managed to get one last night too. Frustratingly, my sex drive seems to have increased since tour started. You always want what you can't have, huh?
We have a Scrabble tournament going on at the moment and let me tell you, I am not to be messed with. The atmosphere on the bus is almost too much when someone pulls the Scrabble board out. People are putting money down. It's wild.
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Windy City
Current destination: Chicago.
Almost done with wedding preparations! It stills seems a little too surreal to me. Married. I'm going to have a husband. Mom keeps asking how long we're gonna wait to have kids. I told her she shouldn't be encouraging unprotected sex.
Living on a bus is turning out to be a real adventure, to say the very least. But I love it. I love seeing new places, meeting new people and gaining new knowledge. I love the late-night jam sessions with the guys. We've wrote, like, ten songs since we've been out on the road. It's such a bonding experience.

I miss Lindsay and Roxy a lot. We talk on the phone most days, but it's not quite the same, is it? I miss Cadence too. She's in New York at the moment, so I got to talk to her on the phone this morning when Lindsay called. She's a special one. I'm glad we met. She puts things into perspective.
I think I've covered all I had to cover. All is well. But I'm more than ready for some alone time with Joel. I've had no action whatsoever in six days, and that was ten minutes in a dressing room. I'm thinking about getting a room tonight. We have a travel day tomorrow, but I don't think we leave until late morning. I'm hoping that's the case. I'll have to ask our tour manager, Mark. I'm so desperate at this point that I'm well past embarrassment. I need this.
I'll let you know how it goes.
Friday, 22 January 2010
Read My Lips
Current destination: Milwaukee.
I'm pleased to announce that I read an entire book today! I've been slacking on my reading since tour started, so I decided to catch up during the 550-mile Tennessee > Wisconsin drive.
The book was pretty interesting. It's called Sex God: Exploring the Endless Connections between Sexuality and Spirituality. I think the title is kinda self-explanatory, but I will admit that it has me thinking about things, which is all I ask for in literature. I picked it up at a truck stop in Nashville this morning, along with a couple other books. It's kinda left-field for me because I'm not necessarily a particularly religious person. But I am spiritual. It presents some interesting theories.
We dropped Mom and Serena at the airport this morning. I'm sad to see them leave. Having them here has been such a blessing. I'll miss the post-show chats with Mom. I promised I'd call everyday and I will.
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Family Ties
Still in Pikeville. Tonight we rock!
I visited with a couple radio stations this morning. I totally don't mind doing press. I like to talk. A little too much, probably.

It was kinda weird to step back on the bus this morning, even though we've only been gone two days. I guess I'm not quite used to it yet. Mom and Serena leave on Friday. I'm bummed about it, but I know they'll be back. I'll miss them. Having Mom out on the road has been a blessing.
Dad called this morning. He wanted to know whether he can see me at the Portland show. He wants to see Missa too, but she's still not ready to talk with him, which I understand. But who knows? Maybe she'll have come to terms with the situation by then. I told him I'd call him in a couple days and give him my decision. Perhaps an hour or so wouldn't be too bad. Or perhaps it would. I don't know.
I know I've said it in the past, and I know it's dumb, but I feel like I need to keep what's left of this family together. Not together in the literal, geographical sense, but together in the sense that Serena might well decide in years to come that she wants answers, or simply to have a relationship with him, and I think I'd feel responsible if she couldn't because I hadn't bothered to keep contact available to her. She's young and he's still our father, you know? There's a good chance that she's gonna have something to say to him at some point. I don't know.
I love Dad, but I'll never be able to understand his behavior. And I'm not sure I'll ever be able to forgive it.
Monday, 18 January 2010
Vinyl Girl
Such an awesome day. I love lazy days with my man.
We woke up super late, at like noon, and ordered lunch. Then I did some yoga and palates, and then we showered, got dressed and decided to go exploring. We found a super cool record/comic store and spent way too much money. And then we hit up a vintage store and I brought three rad tees, some awesome red jeans and the most amazing skirt you ever did see.
We absolutely love record and comic stores. Yes, we're nerds. We never really play CDs around the apartment, and I was never into CDs when I was a kid. It was always about Vinyl and always will be. Comics rule too.
Last night was an awesome time. And I'm sure tonight will be awesome too. He is awesome.
We woke up super late, at like noon, and ordered lunch. Then I did some yoga and palates, and then we showered, got dressed and decided to go exploring. We found a super cool record/comic store and spent way too much money. And then we hit up a vintage store and I brought three rad tees, some awesome red jeans and the most amazing skirt you ever did see.
We absolutely love record and comic stores. Yes, we're nerds. We never really play CDs around the apartment, and I was never into CDs when I was a kid. It was always about Vinyl and always will be. Comics rule too.
Last night was an awesome time. And I'm sure tonight will be awesome too. He is awesome.
Sunday, 17 January 2010
All The World Tonight
Current destination: Kentucky.
So we arrived in Pikeville, KY, this morning and have two days until our next show on the 17th! And I have no press to do! Joel and I have booked into a hotel for tonight and tomorrow night, which I am more than stoked on. I mean, these backstage exchanges have been fun, but I'm more than ready to spend a night alone with him. I plan on going all out. Candles, sexy underwear, you name it. There's a reason why they call me Lynx.
Another awesome thing about touring? The meet and greets. I absolutely love meeting the people that make all this possible.
And don't think I've forgotten that I'm getting married soon. We're getting married Saturday May 22nd in Laguna Beach, California! It's kinda weird to be making wedding plans whilst out on the road, but Mom has been an awesome help to me! Basically I decide what I want and then she makes the calls and arranges things. I'm no good at planning events. Thank God for Mom, huh?
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Oh, Hi, Yo
Just beat Missa's ass at Scrabble... because we're badass like that. Pre-show Scrabble is crucial. Mom gave me a game last night. I kicked her ass too. I'm Scrabble Queen.
Tonight we rock Ohio! I like it up here a lot. Everything is good right now. I absolutely love my opening act, Titanium! Lewis, Matt and Freddie make up the band and they're all crazy talented guys, as well as downright awesome people. I'm super glad I have them on board.
I'm so glad Mom and Serena were able to make it out on the road. Obviously I'm glad to have Missa here, but I knew she'd be here regardless. It's been super awesome to be able to look over and see my Mom at my side every night. I'll be sad when she and Serena have to leave.
I am almost certain that Mom and Missa have caught on to Joel and I's little games. They did make a rather obvious comment at dinner last night about us spending too much time in the dressing rooms and getting showered. Joel thought it rather amusing. I want to die, to be quite honest.
Saturday, 9 January 2010
Bad To The Bone
So I must apologize - I've been kinda missing in action this past week, huh?
Tour is amazing! It's beyond amazing, actually. It's everything I ever wanted. We're playing in New Jersey tonight! I'm super excited!
I'm somewhat embarrassed to write about this, but nobody reads this blog besides Lindsay and Roxy, and something tells me that they wouldn't judge...
So, Joel and I have discovered a solution to that little problem we were presented with. You know the one. I have to give him the credit, because he initiated and I was rather hesitant to begin with. But, basically, our new motto is: whenever, wherever. As in whenever and wherever we can. Yeah, I never thought I'd be the quickie-in-the-dressing-room kinda girl but... the current 'on tour' situation calls for drastic action.
If I'm entirely honest, it's been kinda fun. Don't get me wrong - I cannot wait to get a hotel room - but these encounters are keeping us going.
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Born For This Tour 2010
We have moved onto the bus! I am sooo excited! This bus is absolutely amazing. I'm already loving being on tour and tour hasn't even started! I'm beyond blessed.
We play our first show tomorrow night, here in New York, at the Hammerstein. We're gonna be sleeping at the hotel tonight, but Eric, my manager, thought it would make sense to move everyone onto the bus and get settled today, since things are gonna be hectic tomorrow. I can't wait! I can't wait to spend my first night in my bunk! But I'm kinda glad that we have the hotel for tonight. Lord knows when Joel and I will next be able to be intimate... so we might as well make the most!
I'm so stoked to get out there!
Unexpected Love
Mom and Serena arrived in New York yesterday evening. Oddly enough, my Mom hadn't actually met The Twins until yesterday, which is kinda crazy to me, considering how much I love and value them. But it was a pretty neat time! We all went to their house and had an amazing dinner, cooked by Malachi! Boy's got some skills!
Aliana was super sweet, as per usual, and really took the time to put Mom at ease... and once we were back at the hotel Mom told me that she had a great time, and I believe her. Aliana told her that she and Serena should come to New York more often. I really hope they do! Someone like Aliana is exactly what Mom needs. Serena had a great time too. She spent most of the afternoon and evening upstairs with Cassidy, but she totally fell in love with the babies and kept asking to hold Nate, which was adorable. I did tell her at one point that babies don't like to be passed around a lot, but Roxy assured me that she absolutely didn't mind Serena fussing over him.
I really am blessed to have such amazing people in my life. I guess it's odd when you think about how different Lindsay, Roxy and I are as individuals... and yet somehow they are two of my closest friends.
Friday, 1 January 2010
Feeling Good
My skull is pounding. Kill me.
Last night was insane. I danced too much, drank too much and fell over at least three times. I'm told that Cadence and I were dancing on a pole at one point. I don't remember that. I do, however, remember walking in on Roxy and Malachi in the bathrooms at one point. And then there was Roxy diving on the floor to take a picture up my dress. Thank God I remembered to wear panties, huh?
Fun times!
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